2013 m. lapkričio 26 d., antradienis

Don't worry, I'm fine

Give me fame
So I'll spit on your face
Give me money
So I'll spend 'em in a day

Let me be a bastard
Let me fuck your mind
I want to kill some bitches just because it's fun
I just want to do my drugs, oh I just want to do my drugs

Sorry if I'm not an ordinary one
Sorry if I'm out of your comfort zone
World's changing and me either
Maybe people hate me but I don't fear

Oh my dear, my sweetheart
Time to admit you lost this game
Don't really wanna hurt you
But hey get outta my way

Being high is better than fighting for animal rights
You know my weed gets better with every time
Getting drunk is better than running a mile
If honestly, my whiskey helps more than medicine

In a society of overthinkers
I don't give a single fuck
Seeing others cry and smile
I feel nothing at all
But hey don't worry
I'm fine with that

Oh hey don't worry
I'm fine
I'm fine
No, no need to worry
I'm perfectly fine
I'm fine

2013 m. lapkričio 24 d., sekmadienis

Wasted Youth

I have wasted youth in my hands
These are some years of my life
That gave me lovely scars
That taught me to turn water into wine

All the childish mistakes I made
I remember every single one of them
Every time I thought about suicide
Every day I weared a crown

I used to be young
Now I'm still dumb
All my life I was waiting to grow up
Hell now I miss my wasted youth
I know I failed a lot
But I regret nothing at all

I still remember my first breath of freedom
I will never forget how it teared up my lungs
And that soul who showed me that everything goes on
And all the mates who pointed at me their guns

I was lost, confused and pissed off
I had only dreams and nothing more
I met my fate, I saw it's face
Oh it's not as bad as I thought

I used to be young
Now I'm still dumb
All my life I was waiting to grow up
Hell now I miss my wasted youth
I know I failed a lot
But I regret nothing at all

Žinau, su gramatika čia mišios. Pradėjau šitą dalyką rašyti dar vasarą, bet tik dabar pabaigiau. Galėčiau bandyt taisyt klaidas, bet et... Kam to reikia. Tegu lieka, kaip yra.

2013 m. lapkričio 15 d., penktadienis

be pavadinimo

tavo akys
yra mėlynos.-
aš jose randu
tavo akys
yra mėlynos.-
aš jose randu save--

Kad ir kaip keista bebūtų, kūrinys neskirtas jokiam konkrečiam žmogui. Mąsčiau apie žiemą, ir va kas gavosi.