Vyžom kojas aptempus
Eisiu ieškot
Laimės šilko siūlais austos
Kubilą vandens paėmus
Pagirdysiu vargšus
O po to atimsiu jų rūbus
Medum liežuvį pasitepus
Ponams nulaižysiu batus
Gal jie sušelps man litą ar du
Irštvą dūzgiančių širšių
Iškrapštysiu slapčia
Jos sugels mane mirtinai
2013 m. birželio 28 d., penktadienis
Negersiu midaus
2013 m. birželio 12 d., trečiadienis
Mano bute ant palangių
Guli prūsokai negyvi
Ženklas praeities
Kurios praėjus niekad negailėjau
Liūdni takai katės
Po krūmu pakastos
Uodegos pelių neprarytų
Dvelkia mano bailumu
Visa tai, ką jaučiau praeityje
Šiandien telpa buityje.
2013 m. birželio 1 d., šeštadienis
I look at the sky
So grey not like everyday
Hot as in hell, even though it's evening
Can't figure out the meaning
Ships got lost into the sea
Someone lost his golden key
A car just crashed into a rock
All the blood is covered by this unforgettable fog
It leaves the mess
It doesn't need your bless
Guess why does it rain
Here comes the hurricane
The castle will fall
I'll be the first to break the wall
It's more than insane
Here comes the hurricane
Less or more, doesn't matter anymore
When you're standing on the shore
The lightning goes straight through your blood
Do you feel now the blessing of God?
This shit is getting massive
No more time to stay passive
Here come the Gods of the new age
They hide their faces under these waves
It leaves the mess
It doesn't need your bless
Guess why does it rain
Here comes the hurricane
The castle will fall
I'll be the first to break the wall
It's more than insane
Here comes the hurricane